LatAm Social Sector
Digital Profile 2024  

Check how technology propels nonprofits according to +800 social leaders.

01 Level of Digitalization
Nivel de digitalización de las organizaciones sociales en América Latina

50% of nonprofits are novices. There is a still an extensive need to advance digitally.

Nivel de digitalización de las organizaciones sociales en América Latina

Only 20%  of organizations use data and marketing tools.

02  Resources and Barriers
Nivel de digitalización de las organizaciones sociales en América Latina

After financing, the essential resources to growth are partnerships, marketing and technology.

Nivel de digitalización de las organizaciones sociales en América Latina

Lack of technical expertise and limited budget, make digital transformation difficult, particularly for novices.

03 Digital Priorities
Nivel de digitalización de las organizaciones sociales en América Latina

68% of nonprofits think of the use of data as their top priority.

04 Impact of Digitalization
Nivel de digitalización de las organizaciones sociales en América Latina

Digital tools increase scope, optimize results and improve the experience of participants.

Productivity and Efficency

Digitally advanced organizations report productivityand efficiency 1.3x greater than novices...

Skills for Fundraising

...which is also reflected for fundraising skills, with advanced organizations reporting 1.4x greater improvements...

Casos de éxito de organizaciones sociales latinoamericanas que han implementado tecnología

Case Studies

Get to know the stories from incredible leaders who have digitally transformed their nonprofits.

Mónica Retamal, directora ejecutiva de Kodea, una organización dedicada a la educación digital en Chile
Kodea |  Chile
Monica Retamal
Executive Director

“Invest in Kodea's talent was crucial: Developing their digital mindset empowered our teams".

Sara Cifuentes, co directora de Tani, una organización que apoya a madres jóvenes de comunidades vulnerables en Perú
Tani  |  Peru
Sara Cifuentes

"With Excel, spreadsheets were piling up and getting lost. Everything wasn’t in the cloud and we didn't have information on the people in the organization".

Carlos López, director de Fundación Laureles, una organización que impulsa la educación y salud en México
Fundación Laureles | Mexico
Carlos Arturo Lopez Camacho

"What’s new is always different and challenging, but as we go along we manage to raise awareness in the community on innovation issues".

Jeison Pulido, director de negocios e innovación de Bive, una organización que brinda acceso a salud integral.
Bive | Colombia
Jeison Pulido
Business and Innovation Director

"We have freed up repetitive tasks. We have a health membership “which was purchased on a written form. Now everything is digital".